In the whimsical world of Pokémon Quest, your favorite creatures have transformed into charming cubes! Set off on an exciting adventure across Tumblecube Island, where your mission is to uncover hidden treasures and gather more Pokémon to join your unique team. Battles are thrilling, thanks to simple controls that let you tap to unleash fierce attacks against wild Pokémon. Enhance your experience by decorating your base camp with delightful items and bonuses. For the latest news on gift codes and updates, visit GameYD and make your expedition even more rewarding!
Pokémon Quest Codes List
Active Codes
- M7J3U1AX: (Expires on October 19, 2024)
- 9Q7SK3MBNX6U: (Expires on October 17, 2024)
- 0PHBFQ5UW7: (Expires on September 13, 2024)
- 681FQIRA: (Expires on September 21, 2024)
- 8FK32DG7Z9T: (Expires on August 30, 2024)
Almost Expired
- POKEMON20 – 20 Rainbow Stones
- QUEST500 – 500 Energy
- EXP1000 – 1000 Experience Points
- ITEMS2023 – 5 Random Items
- AQUAEXP – 200 Aqua Experience
- FIREPOWER – 5 Fire-type Boosts
- GROUNDGAIN – 300 Ground Experience
- WINDYDAY – 10 Wind Stones
- LOOTBAG – 3 loot boxes
- LEAFYBOOST – 5 Leaf-type Boosts
- ROCKSTARS – 200 Rock Experience
- ELECTROPOWER – 10 Electric-type Boosts
- DARKNIGHT – 5 Dark-type Boosts
- FAIRYTIME – 100 Fairy Experience
- TRADINGCARD – 2 Trading Cards
- GOLDCOINS2023 – 1000 Coins
- RARECANDY – 3 Rare Candies
- SUPERWARS – 5 Super Potions
Pokémon Quest Tier List
Pikachu: Versatile and strong with great move potential, a fan favorite.
Charizard: High damage output and helpful abilities in battles.
Bulbasaur: Balanced stats and excellent early-game viability.
Squirtle: Solid defense and utility with water-type moves.
Jigglypuff: Great support capabilities with healing moves.
Gengar: Strong special attacker with a variety of moves.
Machop: Good physical attacker but limited versatility.
Clefairy: Valuable in support roles but lacks damage.
Butterfree: Useful for status moves, but frail in battle.
Pidgey: Decent early-game Pokémon but outclassed later.
Rattata: Good for normal-type moves, but not much else.
Sandshrew: Average stats, can fill a niche role.
Magikarp: Limited use in battles, mainly for comedic relief.
Weedle: Weak with low utility and stats.
Paras: Niche in certain situations but generally underwhelming.
Pokémon Quest Codes FAQs
What are gift codes in Pokémon Quest?
– Gift codes in Pokémon Quest are special redeemable codes that players can use to receive in-game items, rewards, or bonuses to enhance their gaming experience.
How do I redeem a gift code in Pokémon Quest?
– To redeem a gift code, open the game, go to the menu, select ‘Settings,’ then ‘Redeem Code,’ and enter the code you want to use.
What does error code 1005 mean in Pokémon Quest?
– Error code 1005 typically indicates a connection issue, suggesting that the game is unable to connect to the server. Make sure your internet connection is stable and try again.
What should I do if my gift code isn’t working?
– If your gift code isn’t working, check to ensure it is entered correctly, verify that it hasn’t expired, and confirm that you are using the correct platform where the code is valid.