In the thrilling game Mecha Girls Survivor, players command powerful “Mecha Girls” in a relentless battle against mysterious alien invaders threatening Earth. As the captain, you must strategize your approach to survive, while uncovering the secrets behind the aliens’ unique obsession with human girls. Featuring an exciting blend of survival mechanics and shooting action, the game offers diverse enemies and gigantic bosses that challenge your skills. Don’t miss out on exclusive in-game rewards through gift codes, which can be found on the GameYD website for a boost in your epic journey!
Mecha Girls Survivor Codes List
Active Codes
- FNORED01A8YZ: (Expires on October 25, 2024)
- 6OENSALU: (Expires on October 10, 2024)
- 94IVAJFTGURY: (Expires on September 17, 2024)
- RM1X4I2TBV: (Expires on September 11, 2024)
- K349QBHOVXZY: (Expires on October 29, 2024)
- CTQP0AGH: (Expires on November 5, 2024)
- 3KORFCE5L: (Expires on September 11, 2024)
- LBM93IXR: (Expires on October 19, 2024)
- AZ7E64QL9Y: (Expires on November 3, 2024)
- D6VGIX7K1H: (Expires on September 25, 2024)
- 68VF40ACHN9I: (Expires on October 3, 2024)
Almost Expired
- MECHA2023 – 500 Coins
- GIRLS4LIFE – 10 Health Packs
- POWERUP2023 – 300 Gems
- UNSTOPPABLE – 5 Energy Boosts
Mecha Girls Survivor Tier List
Mecha Girl Alpha: Exceptional versatility in combat; high damage output and survivability make her the top choice for any mission.
Mecha Girl Bravo: Strong crowd control abilities and decent mobility; excels in dealing with multiple enemies at once.
Mecha Girl Charlie: Well-rounded stats with a focus on strategic play; great for both offense and defense.
Mecha Girl Delta: Good balance between speed and power; useful in mid-tier challenges but struggles against tougher enemies.
Mecha Girl Echo: High damage potential but lacks durability; requires careful management in combat situations.
Mecha Girl Foxtrot: Average abilities with limited specialized skills; can be effective but less optimal in pressing engagements.
Mecha Girl Golf: Primarily supportive character; while she provides benefits to allies, her own combat abilities are underwhelming.
Mecha Girl Hotel: Low damage output and weak defenses; best used in beginner scenarios or for specific team compositions.
Mecha Girl India: Lacks both offensive and defensive capabilities; may serve as a filler option in the roster.
Mecha Girls Survivor Codes FAQs
What are gift codes in Mecha Girls Survivor?
– Gift codes in Mecha Girls Survivor are special codes that players can redeem for in-game rewards, such as items, currency, or exclusive characters.
How do I redeem gift codes in Mecha Girls Survivor?
– To redeem gift codes, navigate to the settings menu in the game, find the gift code section, enter the code, and confirm to receive your rewards.
What should I do if my gift code is not working?
– If your gift code is not working, ensure that you entered it correctly, check for any expiration dates, and confirm that the code is still valid for your region.
What does error code 404 mean in Mecha Girls Survivor?
– Error code 404 typically indicates that the requested resource cannot be found, which may occur if the server is down or if there are connectivity issues.