In the enchanting world of VT Harmony, players step into the shoes of VT, a solitary TV-boy who relishes his alone time. However, everything changes with an unexpected message from a mysterious bunny named IV, sparking an adventure filled with choices and emotional depths. As players navigate through VT’s journey, they can unlock exclusive gift codes, like those shared by GameYD on social networks, enhancing their experience. Dive into this captivating visual novel, uncover hidden endings, and discover how friendship can transform a life of isolation into one full of connection.
VT Harmony Visual Novel Codes January 2025
Active Codes
- 0HNVANY6AM: (Expires on March 8, 2025)
- SVVV59R04: (Expires on January 23, 2025)
- LTO6RAUVNY: (Expires on February 19, 2025)
- ER50VINMN: (Expires on January 21, 2025)
- 5LRUL6N2V: (Expires on January 21, 2025)
- 18VVMOTLSR9: (Expires on March 4, 2025)
- 4AONL6LHV: (Expires on February 23, 2025)
- 62L34VUYVA: (Expires on February 9, 2025)
- 6L89LOMA: (Expires on February 9, 2025)
- YAH754RV: (Expires on March 2, 2025)
Almost Expired
- HARMONY100 – 100 Harmony Points
- VNLOVE2023 – Exclusive Character Skin
- GAMERBOOST – 50% Speed Boost for 30 minutes
- STORYTIME15 – Unlock a Special Chapter
- DREAMSCENE – Bonus Art Asset Pack
- NOVELFUN – 200 In-Game Currency
- LOVELYGIFT – Heartwarming Dialogue Options
- ADVANCEMENT – Level Up Token
- FANFEST2023 – Exclusive Fan Badge
- WISHLIST60 – 60 Seconds of Wishlist Access
- CHARACTERBOND – Increased Affection Points
- CLIMAXSCENE – Access to Alternate Ending
- SPECIALEVENT – Participation Token for Event
- ARTISTICFLAIR – Custom Backgrounds
- FRIENDSHIPBOND – Extra Choice Unlock
VT Harmony Visual Novel Tier List
S Tier
IV: The intriguing stranger bunny whose unexpected message sparks a change in VT’s life. Charismatic and enigmatic, IV plays a pivotal role in the narrative.
A Tier
VT: The main character, a lonely TV-boy whose journey of self-discovery drives the story. His complexity and growth make him a relatable protagonist.
B Tier
Supporting Bunny: Represents the secondary characters that offer advice and insight to VT, enriching the story. Though not as central as VT and IV, they add depth.
C Tier
Minor Characters: Individuals who populate VT’s world but do not significantly impact the storyline. They provide background and context but lack substantial development.
D Tier
Background Characters: Figures that exist in the environment but have no direct influence on the main narrative or character development.
VT Harmony Visual Novel Codes FAQs
What are gift codes in VT Harmony Visual Novel?
– Gift codes are special codes provided by the game developers that players can redeem for in-game rewards, such as items, currency, or character unlocks.
How can I redeem a gift code in VT Harmony Visual Novel?
– To redeem a gift code, go to the settings or gift code section in the game menu, enter your code, and confirm it to receive your rewards.
Where can I find the latest gift codes for VT Harmony Visual Novel?
– The latest gift codes can typically be found on the official game website, social media pages, or community forums.
What should I do if a gift code doesn’t work?
– If a gift code doesn’t work, check for any typing errors, ensure the code hasn’t expired, and make sure you meet any requirements for code redemption.
What does error code: VT Harmony mean?
– Error code: VT Harmony generally indicates a technical issue within the game, such as a failed connection, corrupted data, or incompatibility.
How can I fix error code: VT Harmony?
– To fix error code: VT Harmony, try restarting the game, clearing the app’s cache, checking your internet connection, or reinstalling the game if necessary.