In the enchanting yet dark world of “オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-,” players embark on a perilous journey as Oz, a cowardly scamming wizard, tasked with saving the realm and the lost girl, Dorothy. This captivating match-3 puzzle game invites players to connect pieces, unleash hidden powers, and explore vibrant yet melancholic landscapes filled with stuffed animal companions. By engaging with characters like the timid Lili Lion and the clever Keshika, players can unlock their stories and skills. Gift codes for enhancing your adventure can be found through GameYD, offering exciting in-game rewards. Unlock the magic today!
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Codes List
Active Codes
- 9BOV32FTAY: (Expires on September 22, 2024)
- 4P9K8BINM: (Expires on October 23, 2024)
- E9UD3Z6XLGI: (Expires on September 8, 2024)
- ZU5ALTX6: (Expires on October 6, 2024)
Almost Expired
- GIFT2023OZ01 – 1000 Gold
- OZFREESTART – 5 Health Potions
- SINOFOZGIFT02 – 500 Experience Points
- OZADVENTURE3 – 3 Silent Elixirs
- OZBATTLEBONUS – Special Weapon
- CODEOZ2023 – 10 Stamina Boosts
- OZLIFELINE04 – 3 Resurrect Tokens
- SINOFOZLUCKY – Random Rare Item
- OZFRIENDSHIP – 5 Friend Points
- OZHELPINGHAND – Exclusive Skin
- OZFUNFAIR05 – Party Pack
- LUCKYFOZOZ – 15 Crafting Materials
- OZSPIRITBOND – Companion Upgrade
- SINOFZREWARD – 50% Experience Boost
- TIMEFOROZ23 – 1 Free Premium Draw
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Tier List
S Tier
Dorothy: Lost girl seeking to return home, central to the story and embodiment of hope.
A Tier
Lili Lion: Very timid, embodies the struggle against fear, potential ally with unique skills.
Toeto: Small but brave, represents resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
B Tier
Keshika: Smart yet foolish, illustrates complexity of character through his connection to nature.
Kiko: Sad yet relatable, highlights transformation and self-acceptance.
C Tier
Jacklyn: Twisted character with a mean streak; adds a mischievous element to the story but less depth compared to others.
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Codes FAQs
What are gift codes for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– Gift codes for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- are promotional codes that players can redeem for in-game rewards, such as items, currency, or boosts.
How can I redeem gift codes in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– To redeem gift codes, go to the game’s settings or redemption section, enter the code in the provided field, and confirm your entry.
Where can I find valid gift codes for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– Valid gift codes can typically be found on the game’s official social media pages, community forums, or special promotional events.
What should I do if my gift code for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- is not working?
– If your gift code is not working, check for typos, ensure the code is still valid, or confirm that it has not already been redeemed.
What does the error code in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- mean?
– Error codes in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- typically indicate issues such as connection problems, incorrect login information, or server maintenance.
How can I fix common error codes in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– Common fixes include restarting the game, checking your internet connection, and ensuring your device is updated to the latest version of the game.
Is there a customer support for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- if I encounter issues?
– Yes, you can usually find customer support through the game’s official website or within the app to report issues and get assistance.