In the enchanting yet eerie world of “オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-,” players step into the shoes of Oz, a coward and a con artist who claims to possess magical powers. As he embarks on a journey to save Dorothy, a lost girl seeking to return home, players engage in authentic match-3 puzzles filled with colorful yet haunting charm. Navigate various stages while developing unique characters like the timid Lili Lion and the tragic Kiko. For those looking to enhance their game, visit GameYD for special gift codes that unlock hidden treasures and strengthen your adventure!
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Codes January 2025
Active Codes
- 14XML0TV: (Expires on January 6, 2025)
- VZOPN4M8D: (Expires on January 20, 2025)
- 7IQR5Y1C: (Expires on February 21, 2025)
- F9RYKSJ5AD: (Expires on February 19, 2025)
- 9NOKC5HG: (Expires on February 24, 2025)
- B5FU2IVC: (Expires on January 13, 2025)
- WDFGQX0J8N: (Expires on February 8, 2025)
- 60BO1EC5PRKL: (Expires on February 12, 2025)
Almost Expired
- OZ2023GIFT1 – 100 Gems
- OZ2023GIFT2 – 50 Gold
- OZ2023GIFT3 – Exclusive Skin
- OZ2023GIFT4 – 10 Energy Potions
- OZ2023GIFT5 – 200 XP
- OZ2023GIFT6 – Rare Item
- OZ2023GIFT7 – 5 Event Tickets
- OZ2023GIFT8 – Character Upgrade
- OZ2023GIFT9 – 150 Gems
- OZ2023GIFT10 – 75 Gold
- OZ2023GIFT11 – 15 Energy Potions
- OZ2023GIFT12 – Legendary Weapon
- OZ2023GIFT13 – 300 XP
- OZ2023GIFT14 – Special Emote
- OZ2023GIFT15 – 20 Event Tickets
- OZ2023GIFT16 – 250 Gems
- OZ2023GIFT17 – 100 Gold
- OZ2023GIFT18 – 10 Character Tokens
- OZ2023GIFT19 – 5 Rare Packs
- OZ2023GIFT20 – Ultimate Boost
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Tier List
S Tier
Dorothy: The lost girl who drives the main story, seeking to return home.
Lili Lion: The timid yet endearing lion who has a hidden talent for facing fears.
A Tier
Keshika: The smart yet goofy scarecrow, provides comic relief and value in teamwork.
Kiko: The Tin Woodman who faces his struggles with acceptance, adding depth to the narrative.
B Tier
Toeto: The small but brave character who adds a touch of determination and optimism.
Jacklyn: The mischievous pumpkin-loving character, providing a mix of charm and potential chaos.
C Tier
Oz: The main character whose cowardly and deceptive nature creates conflict but lacks strong heroic traits.
オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- Codes FAQs
What are gift codes for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– Gift codes are special alphanumeric codes that players can redeem for in-game rewards such as items, currency, or exclusive content in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-.
How can I redeem gift codes in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– You can redeem gift codes by navigating to the settings or gift code section in the game’s main menu, entering your code, and confirming the redemption.
What should I do if my gift code for オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- is not working?
– If a gift code is not working, check if it has expired, ensure there are no typing errors, and confirm that it’s valid for your region.
What does the error code in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- signify?
– An error code in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ- typically indicates a problem with the game, such as connectivity issues, server maintenance, or account-related problems.
How can I fix error codes in オズの原罪 -Sin of OZ-?
– To fix error codes, try restarting the game, checking your internet connection, updating the game to the latest version, or contacting customer support for assistance.