Dive into the enchanting world of “Rokutsu Goku Koi Iroha,” a romance simulation visual novel set at Rokutsugoku Academy, where demons roam and your choices shape the story! As a first-year student, you will engage with the enigmatic members of “Shura,” the student council dedicated to maintaining peace. Each decision you make leads to unique endings, ensuring replayability and excitement. Follow our website for exclusive game gift codes that will enhance your experience in this captivating otome game, allowing you to unlock special features and deepen your romantic escapades! Enjoy this thrilling adventure for free!
Codes January 2025
Active Codes
- 0276935148: (Expires on February 24, 2025)
- 56829074: (Expires on February 16, 2025)
- 97018465: (Expires on January 24, 2025)
- 053946187: (Expires on January 13, 2025)
- 0951286347: (Expires on January 22, 2025)
Almost Expired
- CODE123 – 1000 Gold Coins
- GIFT456 – Legendary Weapon
- REWARD789 – 500 Experience Points
- FREESTUFF01 – Rare Armor Set
- PROMO2023 – 10 Health Potions
- DELUXE307 – Unique Pet
- VIPACCESS11 – Double XP for 24 Hours
- MYSTERYBOX99 – Surprise Gift Pack
- CHAMPION22 – 5x Event Tickets
Tier List
Akira Sato: The charming leader of Shura, known for their strong sense of justice and captivating personality.
Rin Takashi: The kind and supportive friend who always has your back, contributing depth to the narrative.
Miyuki Yamamoto: The mysterious and alluring transfer student with a hidden past that enhances the storyline.
Kaito Nishimura: The playful jokester who provides comedic relief but also shows surprising moments of depth.
Sayuri Akiyama: The fiercely independent girl who challenges societal norms, bringing a strong feminist perspective to the game.
Haruto Fujimoto: The brooding rival who adds tension but lacks development throughout the story.
Aiko Mori: The sweet but somewhat cliché character whose story arc feels predictable.
Yuki Hayashi: The stereotypical popular girl whose motivations seem superficial and underdeveloped.
Kenji Watanabe: The minor character whose presence is more of a plot device than a compelling addition to the game.
Codes FAQs
What are game gift codes?
– Game gift codes are unique alphanumeric codes that players can redeem for in-game items, currency, or bonuses.
How do I redeem a game gift code?
– To redeem a game gift code, navigate to the game’s redemption page, enter the code in the provided field, and click submit.
What should I do if the gift code is not working?
– If the gift code is not working, ensure you entered it correctly, check for expiration dates, and confirm that the code is valid for your account or region.
What does the error code ‘INVALID_CODE’ mean?
– The error code ‘INVALID_CODE’ indicates that the code entered is incorrect, expired, or not eligible for your account.
Can gift codes be used multiple times?
– Most gift codes can only be used once per account; however, specific promotions may allow for multiples, so always check the terms associated with the code.