In the enchanting world of đŸ˜»Pet’s War, dark forces threaten to overrun a magical forest, calling upon ugly monsters. Your mission is to rally adorable pets, each with unique abilities, to combat these malevolent invaders. As you progress, utilize idle strategies to grow your companions through battles, enhancing their powers with goods collected from vanquished foes. Additionally, don’t miss the chance to search for gift codes at GameYD, which can unlock exciting bonuses and upgrades. Dive into this charming adventure today and protect the forest!
Pet’s War : Idle Codes January 2025
Active Codes
- PUONKG61: (Expires on February 5, 2025)
- 8BIP09GQD: (Expires on January 27, 2025)
- P8B1E2TC: (Expires on January 7, 2025)
- GEKPH5J90RM: (Expires on January 25, 2025)
- O85KNMTS: (Expires on January 3, 2025)
Almost Expired
- PETSWAR2023 – 500 Gems
- IDLEFIGHTER – Exclusive Pet Costume
- WARFRENZY – 1000 Coins
- POWERUP10 – Boost for 10 Minutes
- FREEPETGIFT – Rare Pet Egg
- EVOLVEMORE – Evolution Guide
- DAILYREWARD – Mystery Box
Pet’s War : Idle Tier List
S Tier
Right hand Stungun: A cat with a modified body that delivers powerful blows and can penetrate enemy lines. Exceptional attack capabilities.
A Tier
Monkriever: A monkish retriever creating a shield and leaping into enemy territory. Great for defense and disruption.
B Tier
Sheep Defender: Provides support and crowd control with unique abilities to protect allies. Versatile in battle.
C Tier
Rogue Ferret: Quick and elusive, specializing in agility and evasion but lacks strong offensive capabilities.
D Tier
Chubby Hamster: Cute and charming but does minimal damage and has limited utility in battles. Primarily for collection.
Pet’s War : Idle Codes FAQs
What are gift codes in Pet’s War: Idle?
– Gift codes are special codes that players can redeem for in-game rewards, such as items, currency, or boosts.
How do I redeem gift codes in Pet’s War: Idle?
– To redeem gift codes, go to the game’s settings menu, find the gift code section, enter the code, and click the redeem button.
What should I do if my gift code is not working?
– If your gift code is not working, ensure that it is entered correctly, check its expiration date, and confirm that it is still valid for your region.
What does the error code mean in Pet’s War: Idle?
– Error codes in Pet’s War: Idle typically indicate issues with connectivity, account access, or invalid operations, and can often be resolved by restarting the game or checking your internet connection.