In the chilling world of Ghost Case, players step back into Hidden Town, where secrets from a gruesome murder linger. Detective Ren Larsen faces ghostly messages from victims seeking justice, reopening a 20-year-old case. Explore haunting locations, collect clues, and interrogate suspects in a quest to reveal the killer’s identity. Players can enhance their experience with exclusive gift codes available on GameYD, unlocking additional content and thrilling surprises. With two possible endings and a hidden achievement, every decision matters in this captivating horror escape mystery!
Ghost Case Codes January 2025
Active Codes
- VHZKJEU9R76F: (Expires on January 1, 2025)
- N93MFEAWL4SU: (Expires on January 31, 2025)
- 7OBU6S9T01: (Expires on February 20, 2025)
- 84G1PLIUX: (Expires on December 30, 2024)
- S87IU625Z4: (Expires on January 4, 2025)
- UXBFS8QVAW: (Expires on January 25, 2025)
- 63ZM7LOCVP: (Expires on January 1, 2025)
- 5OHLXK3V: (Expires on February 17, 2025)
- XZEK2B7HTVA: (Expires on January 7, 2025)
- IST82MGJQLA: (Expires on January 9, 2025)
Almost Expired
- GHOST2023 – 500 in-game currency
- SHADOWHUNT – Exclusive ghost skin
- CASECRACKER – 3 free clues
- HAUNTEDGIFT – Unique weapon upgrade
- SPOOKYBOOST – 2x experience for 1 hour
- PHANTOMPOWER – 10 premium items
- EERIEOFFER – Special mission unlock
- SPECTERREWARD – Extra inventory space
- UNSEENFORCE – Bonus character appearance
- CRYPTICCODE – Access to hidden levels
- NIGHTMAREFREE – Free revive token
- WRAITHWINS – 5 match victory boosts
- FRIGHTFUEL – 100 health points
Ghost Case Tier List
S Tier
Ren Larsen: The detective protagonist navigating the mystery, receiving messages from the afterlife, and uncovering clues.
A Tier
The Victims’ Souls: Central to the motivation of the story, they guide Ren to seek justice and closure for their untimely deaths.
B Tier
The Murderer: The shadowy figure responsible for the horror in Hidden Town, pivotal to the mystery and ultimate resolution of the game.
C Tier
Dan and Mia: Friends of the protagonist, providing context and support during the investigation.
D Tier
The Townspeople: Suspects and potential sources of clues, adding layers to the investigation but lacking strong individual narratives.
E Tier
Characters in the Side Story: Offering additional puzzles and riddles, but not critical to the main narrative of the Ghost Case.
Ghost Case Codes FAQs
What are gift codes in Ghost Case?
– Gift codes are special codes that players can redeem for in-game items, currency, or exclusive content.
How do I redeem a gift code in Ghost Case?
– To redeem a gift code, navigate to the settings or options menu, find the ‘Redeem Code’ section, and enter your code there.
What should I do if my gift code is not working?
– If your gift code is not working, ensure that you have entered it correctly, check for any expiration dates, and confirm that the code is still valid for your region.
What is error code 101 in Ghost Case?
– Error code 101 typically indicates a network connectivity issue, preventing you from accessing the game servers.
How can I fix error code 201 in Ghost Case?
– To fix error code 201, try restarting the game, ensuring your internet connection is stable, or checking for server maintenance updates.
Where can I find updates about Ghost Case gift codes?
– Updates about gift codes can usually be found on the official Ghost Case social media channels, forums, or the game’s website.